
Showing posts from January, 2025

Big Issue: The Return

Big Issue: The Return • The Big Issue will typically talk about economic topics • It is sold by people who are homeless, and gives them a 'hand up', not a hand out • The house style on the Big Issue varies little between front covers • Often talks about sensational, celebrity news • Politically minded, talks about social issues too • Challenges anyone wo potentially opposes what they stand for and who they stand for • Targets those who are financially and socially excluded • Typically available on the streets, some available instore • Launched to support those who are or were homeless (no fixed abode) • Strong main images Front cover talks about economic topics, in this case 'loan-sharks', which are people that put others at a disadvantage financially (The people that are targeted by TBI.) Representation of those that are excluded financially, showing that BI cares about these people and praises those that try and help them by tackling financial issues. This links to th...