
Showing posts from September, 2023


  Industry Rupert Murdoch owns many media outlets and newspapers, and has recently stood down. The problem of him owning all of these for himself hasn't changed, however, as his son is now getting the fortune instead. The problem with one person owning many media outlets and newspapers is that these forms of media can be influenced by their own opinions, and become biased. They can also dictate who owns the product and how it is consumed. This in turn can cause the consumers of these forms of media (of which there are many) to become brainwashed, and have a dominant reaction. They can get other people to think like them, which is a really powerful thing to have in your control. For example, they can get people to like and vote a certain political party that they like, and change an election or the fate of a country. In the UK, Rupert Murdoch owns 19% of all British press and Viscount Rothermere owns 33%. Combined, they take up 52%, more than half! In the USA, there are still media


Representation Represent : To show or describe people, places and events. Representation : The results of the above. Media producers have the power to spin and shape the stories they tell. This can be done to mislead or manipulate others. CAGED Representations can be made through CAGED. ● C lass ● A ge ● G ender ● E thnicity ● D isability CAGED representations are useful starting points for analyzing media messages (they do not include sexuality, religion, regional identity or education). Tokenistic representation : Including a poorly developed or stereotypical portrayal of a social group, usually to check off diversity in a media product. Liverpool example 1 : In the video clip there are people fighting one another over football, the people shown are typically lower class, white men, who are middle-aged, with no disabilities visible. They are all being violent, and displeasing towards the fans of the opposing team. Liverpool example 2 : In this video clip there are Liverpool fans bein

Target Audience

Target Audience A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message. In marketing and advertising, it is a particular group of consumers within the predetermined target market, identified as the targets or recipients for a particular advertisement or message. The target audience for Stranger Things is teenagers, and young adults. The target audience for Shang-Chi is adults. The target audience for Snapchat is teenagers. Not one targets a specific gender, although one may watch or utilize these more than the other (for example, more women use snapchat than men). Niche: Specific (A niche audience is a specific audience) Target audience can be based on several categories, some of which are: occupation, interests, age, and gender. These audiences are essential for advertisers as they need to know who to target for their ads. Market research can help to find the correct audience. The effects /  Hypodermic needle model If you believe the

Media Language

Media Language How the media through their forms, codes, conventions and techniques communicate meanings. Camera Shot Types The shot shown in this image is from my favorite film, Hot Fuzz. It is a master shot, featuring the two main characters trying to catch a swan. (Just the one!) We can tell that the swan is getting away, as it can be shown about to take flight. Consequently, this visibly causes the main characters to get frustrated and do anything it takes to capture the swan. Camera Angles High Angle : Makes the object seem small, insignificant or vulnerable Low Angle:  Makes the object seem powerful, threatening or dominant. Bird's Eye view:  An unnatural angle which can make objects seem strange. Also puts the audience in a god like position looking down at the action. Canted Angl e : An off kilter shot which often suggests confusion, disorientation or drunkenness, sleepiness etc. Eye Level:  Neutral shot, gives the impression we are watching the action unfold. The shot show

Media Blog Introduction

Introduction My name is Ben Metcalfe, and I am a media student. This blog will document my work and what I get up to in Media Studies. My favorite film is Hot Fuzz, because it tells a funny story, and is not without excitement, action, and courage. A few actors in this move also take the lead role in another film, "Shaun Of The Dead". This is also a great movie, and maybe my #2. My favorite series is Friday Night Dinner, because it is extremely funny, and features a lot of great actors. Each episode brings something new and original to the table, generating a fantastic viewing experience. My favorite music video is Crying Lightning on YouTube, by Arctic Monkeys; this is because I love Arctic Monkeys and the video includes many cool effects. I am most likely to read the Times newspaper, as it is the most trustworthy to me.