Big Issue Task

Big Issue Task


The front cover does follow the typical house style of the Big Issue, as it is laid out in its normal fashion, with the masthead being both at the top and the bottom of the magazine, with the main image being in the center as usual. The font too follows the house style of the Big Issue. The front cover does not follow the iconic style of the Big Issue in the sense that it usually issues magazines predominantly in the colour red; this front cover utilises yellow and black. It does however follow the 2 block colour scheme regardless. In comparison to mainstream magazines, the Big Issue does vary its house style more regularly.

The main image shown on the front cover portrays politicians walking away from their jobs, as a result of their resignations. The choice of image is important as it can suggests that they are lazy, unhelping and disloyal to the British public, as they can be seen to be deserting them, and as the magazine states, "on the run". To add to this, the added tattered sheets of paper seen in the main image can suggest chaos and carnage, to show that the politicians are causing a big mess.

'The great resignation' can suggest that a large number of politicians are resigning and letting go of their responsibilities, consequently leaving behind a large mess. The word great emphasises this and further creates a sense that this is a large event which can have extremely negative effects. This links to the Big Issues ideology and ethos as they aim to put the spotlight on the wrongdoings of politicians.

The Big Issue makes politics such a big issue as it is their in their ideology and ethos to put the spotlight on the wrongdoings of politicians.

The coverlines on this front cover are about dementia, an actress interview, the cost of living crisis and goldfish dining.

The covid-19 pandemic has prompted people to leave their jobs and resign, in an attempt to regain control of their life and let go of their unwanted responsibilities. By doing this, the quality of life and happiness of the people would increase. The Big issue priorities current issues, and this is a big one. Shedding light on topics that may not be discussed by the mainstream media.

Magazine #2

The front cover does follow the typical house style of the Big Issue, as it is laid out in its normal fashion, with the masthead being both at the top and the bottom of the magazine, with the main image being in the center as usual. The font too follows the house style of the Big Issue. The front cover does not follow the iconic style of the Big Issue in the sense that it usually issues magazines predominantly in the colour red; this front cover utilises pink and white. It does however follow the 2 block colour scheme regardless.

The main image portrays Fara Williams looking sad and desolate, possible to represent her in the state that she was in when she was homeless. The use of black and white can further represent the sadness in this photo, and the feelings of Fara Williams at this point in time. It also reflects the serious nature of the story.

The coverlines on this front cover are: `Why I'm on the run from British justice``Into the fire with Europe's street paper sellers``The long way home after Grenfell`, and `Time to return to music's revolutionary act`. They are social / political issues that are being represented.

The Big Issue has chosen to use Fara Williams as she is a success story, and can inspire many readers who may be homeless or do not have a good source of income. It shows many that if you work hard enough, there is a way out. She also challenges the stereotypes associated with homeless people.


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