Genre and characters
Genre and characters
Lupin Genre
1. Crime-thriller
2. Action
3. Drama
4. Mystery
5. Romance
6. Comedy
7. Adventure
8. Detective fiction
9. Police procedural
Character recap
Assane Diop - played by Omar Sy
He is the protagonist.
- 'Gentlemen burglar' - from the story book Lupin
- Cunning, intelligent, vengeful, just and loving
- He is the French James Bond
Young Assane
He is the protagonist.
- He is innocent, and about to turn 14
- Gullible, swims across pool amid racist remark
- He is an immigrant from Senegal, and still learning the language
Babakar Diop
- He was Assane Diop's father
- Arrested for allegedly robbing the Marie Antoinette's necklace
- Is an easy target and is victimised because of his heritage and class
- Commits suicide while in jail
- He is selfless and cares for Assane
- He works as a chauffeur
- He is an immigrant from Senegal
Hubert Pellegrini
- He is a powerful entrepreneur and one of the richest men in France.
- Owner of the stolen necklace
- Immediately blames Babakar Diop for the theft of the necklace, making him go to jail
Anne Pellegrini
- Hubert Pellegrini's estranged wife, and mother of Juliette Pellegrini
- Gives book to Babakar, and sides with Hubert
Juliet Pellegrini
- Hubert's and Anne's daughter, and Assane's on-and-off paramour
- Starts a foundation for charity, sells necklace to fund it
Claire Laurent
- Assane's estranged wife and mother of his children
- Raises the children alone while working at hospital
- Repeatably caught between loving Assane and fearing his illegal actions
Raoul Diop
- Son of Assane Diop and Claire Laurent
- Quiet and innocent
- Given the story book Lupin by Assane for his birthday
Youssef Guedira
He is the Antagonist.
- Detective in the Paris Police Force
- Knows about the Lupin story book
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