Exam stuff

erm, whas a sigma?? 

(I love daisy's dad)

Van Zoonen's Feminist Theory

Discourse: Ideas about gender among the public are the result of media discourse

Believes our ideas about gender change depending on the historical and cultural context

Believes women are objectified in the media

Believes this is because we in in a patriarchal culture

Believes that women are often represented as emotional, nurturing and domestic

Believes men's bodies are represented as 'spectacle'


Music artists put messages in their songs to appeal to the audience.

The audience accepts the message and listens to the artist on streaming services

The audience likes the artist and invest in concerts / shows (The artist gains money)


One of the messages Radiohead uses in BTW is immigrants

The outsider is mistreated

Shows mistreatment of immigrants and women (van zooners feminist theory/ patriarchal)

immigration links to right wing

patriarchal actions link to society as a whole

blah blah blah


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