Print gobbledygook
Question 3
"Explain how cultural contexts influence the ways audiences interact with print and/or online news."
How does the UK consume news
The audience demands it
Online news allows for more interaction
"What has happened in our culture in the last 30 years that may have influenced how we interact with print and online newspapers?"
Thanks to recent digital advancements and convergence, we are now able to become prosumers instead of consumers, and can make content or share our options with others about certain print and online newspapers. An example of this is comment sections on online newspapers, in which people can write about their opinions on the newspapers itself, and share them with others that may or may not agree.
People now have shorter attention spans due to advancement of technology, and as a result interact with print and online newspapers more, as they constantly want a stream of news.
Faster internet means that people no longer need to dial up.
Environmental awareness has led to many people avoiding the purchase of newspapers or paper based media.
BTW Representations • Older women wore more simple clothing • Some of the younger women wore German traditional dress potentially to make links to the Nazi regime / ideology / authority • The residents appear to wear more simple traditional clothing which contrast with the visitors formal attire • Studio lighting creating 3 point lighting which produces multiple shadows creates a more sinister feel. • Rural setting that is isolated and idyllic • Bright colourful houses • It juxtaposes the reality of the village which is sinister and violent • Linked to Trumpton • They all behave in a similar way reinforcing the idea nobody challenges the ideology • They look to the camera in the waving scene, they know what they are doing and don't care • There are binary positions in the video, the men do all of the manual labour while the women bake and are the sacrifice Camera Work • Works to create a sense of mystery before revealing the reality • Medium shots which then zoom out to leg shot / ...
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