Theorist Notes

Theorist Notes

Bandura - Media Effects

Theorist summary: Believed that children would copy the behavior of the Bobo Doll experiment. He also believed that media could influence people's judgement and conduct witch hunts.

Applied to LFTVD: This theory draws attention to the effect that the TV has on its audience. If an audience repeatedly watches aggressive behavior, they will reciprocate this.

Applied to case studies: The representation of stereotypes, especially with Barb's 'nerdy' clothes and personality, may influence audiences to associate the traits of Barb's character with real-life norms.

Lupin uses fight scenes stereotypically found in action thrillers that may influence audiences. According to Banduras theory, this may influence audiences to show more violent/aggressive behavior.

Evaluation: May apply to a wide range of media products, including LFTVDs. Draws attention to the need to investigate the direct effects on individuals who consume LFTVDs.

Gerbner - Media Effects

Theorist summary: Cultivation theory, in which media generally tends to repeat representations of people or groups of people and the effect is has on an audience that builds up over time. Cultivation reinforces mainstream values which are dominant ideologies. Mean world syndrome; if you get repeated representations of violence, you are going to start to believe you are living in a mean, cruel world.

Applied to LFTVD: Gerbner believe these representations cultivate or grow audiences ideas and perceptions. Mostly applies to strongly dlivered newspaper messages that are consistent across newspapers.

Applied to case studies: Stranger Things has taken snippets from the other 80s movies and tv shows such as ET. These representations of the 80s have been repeated. We all have a clear image of what the 80s was like, even though none of us experience it firsthand.

Gerbners theory links in well with lupin as the old media and newspapers would usually portray African and black people in a negative shade. Omar Sy showed that if the media portrays a certain group like that, they will rebel and act that way.

Evaluation: Critics argue that the theory does not take into account the personal experiences of viewers. There could be others factors that could have contributed to the perceptions of viewers.

Jenkins - Media Effects

Theorist summary: Audiences now actively participate in fan culture by creating online communities of fans, producing new creative forms, collaborating to solve problems and discussing whatever the media text is. Media texts create fans of the products/brand who are devoted followers who actively engage with the products to construct their own meanings and interpretations beyond the original message.

Applied to LFTVD: The consumer watching can take a part of the show and make their own piece of content about it, that can be shared to others through a fan site such as Reddit. The optimistic view of the power of consumers may underestimate the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates to shape and control TV content.

Applied to case studies: Jenkin's theory applies to Stranger Things with the consumers becoming prosumers due to the way they shape their own meanings of the messages given to them by the show. Social media and the internet in general has helped the fans interact with the producers, actors and writers directly.

Jenkin's theory can apply to Lupin as it was released during the Pandemic, and gained a lot of popularity online amassing 76,000,000 viewers in its first month. 


Shirky - Media Effects

Theorist summary: Modern audiences are no longer passive, and expect a level of interaction. Audiences are now speaking back to producers. This has led to filtering happening after publishing and a breakdown in the previously established hierarchy where audiences wait for producers at the top to send their messages down. All of this has been made possible by platforms such as Twitter and YouTube.

Applied to LFTVD: Audiences of a LFTVD are not as interactive as compared to news because of the binge release model. Comments and shares demonstrate the value of LFTVD to audiences by sharing their thoughts and opinions.

Applied to case studies: #justiveforBarb, in which the audience created a whole movement on recognition of a side characters murder/death. Edits and fanpages have been made, an example of which is Stranger_Thingz, which have been made as a result of conventionally attractive characters.

Long form TV dramas limit the ways in which audiences are able to interact with the producers as they do not have built in comments on platforms like Netflix. Audiences still find a way to interact through reviews and memes on other sites.

Evaluation: Draws attention to the way audiences for LFTVDs can provide value for each other by using websites to offer comments, parodies, merchandise and so forth. Does not apply to broadcast television.


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