Netflix and Stranger Things Industry

Netflix and Stranger Things Industry

Netflix 2025

• Communicating that Netflix is for all audiences with a variety of genres, juxtaposing shows (Squid Game to Love is blind).
• Netflix putting focus onto Netflix Originals, show exclusivity to target audiences, and allows them to control distribution of shows.
• Netflix coming up with new ideas to keep the platform 'fresh' with revamp of shows such as Happy Gilmore 2.


• Netflix is facing increased competition due to other streaming companies such as Disney+, Amazon Prime and Paramount+. 
• Netflix have recently changed their payment plans, introducing 'standard with ads' from £5.99 per month, 'standard' from £12.99 per month, and 'premium' from £18.99 per month.
• New plan targets different demographics.
• Netflix strict on password sharing to get around paying for another plan, hurts their sales.

Production and Distribution

• Produced by 21 Laps
• Original Netflix series, so paid for them and distributed by them exclusively
• Most popular series in the US upon release, getting 3x more viewers than Orange is the new black.

Evolving Media

• 300 million customers worldwide paying a minimum of £5.99 per month.
• CEO Ted Sarandos championed Netflix Originals by committing $17 billion to original content per year.
• Perfect example of vertical integration (Hesmondhalgh), Netflix do not need to pay outside agencies to produce or distribute their products.
• Netflix not restricted to being between 90 minutes to 3 hours long, more creative freedom and ability for audience to binge.


• Stranger Things has a dual audience consisting of those who grew up in the 80s and can understand the intertextuality the show has to offer, and the younger generation consisting of 15-25 year old's.
• Winona Ryder being casted for Stranger Things is a marketing decision, as she can appeal to the 80s audience.
• Stranger Things made clips with streamers from Twitch to play games in the Stranger Things basement while getting pranked.
• Chat live-voted people to get pranked, an example of Shirky's 'end of audience' theory.
• First 8 minutes of Chapter 1 release on YouTube on the 14th July, 2016.
• Stranger Things Snapchat filter
• Shirky’s theory – Audiences can interact with streamers by choosing what happens around them
• Above the line advertising on YouTube – Stranger Things targeting specific audiences
• Cookies can gather information about you which companies can use to tailor ads to you
• First Stranger Things trailer released on YouTube on 9/6/2016
• First 8 minutes of Chapter 1 released 5 days later
• Stephen King tweeted about Stranger Things, encouraging audience engagement
• #JusticeForBarb
• Stranger Things Kids performed ‘Uptown Funk’ at the 2016 Emmys preshow – above the line
• ‘Marketing Gimmick’ – ST Kids handing out retro 80s snacks
• Producers of ST noticed #JustitceForBarb and created a fake news report regarding it
• Merch – ST Monopoly, Hellfire T-shirt, funkopops (produce AFTER S1)
• Synergy – Elevens Eggo waffled created with a partnership between Kellogg’s and Netflix


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