Task 2 - Burn The Witch stuff
Task 2 - Burn The Witch stuff References • References to trumpton style & the Wickerman • 'Jobes' on tomato boxes, represents idyllic culture • Dangers of mob mentality • Pressure to conform to the norm & fear of the outsiders • Critique of increased populism within western politics • Critique of western society's response to the migrant crisis. 1. B, as it represents the mobs fear out the outsider and intention to preserve tradition by banding together and burning the visitor 2. H, depicts the visitor and the mayor together in the town center, showing that the mayor & town may expect him to conform to their ideals 5/3/25 Xenophobia - The community fears the outsider and subjects them to prejudice, as seen by the fact they attempt to burn the visitor inside of the wickerman. Nationalism - The community wants to preserve and promote their own idyllic ideology and disregards the opinions of the outsider. (Critique of western society's response to the migrant ...