
question 4 stuff

q4 question 1 - 12 minutes question 2 - 20 minutes question 3 - 12 minutes question 4 - 12 minutes theorists curran + seaton - power and media industries we live in a cultural capitalist society - this effects how media industries are owned and run. fewer people own large chunks of media industries - what we see, read and hear lack other opinions. the theorists argue that the internet does not challenge this as nationalism and state censorship. livingstone + lunt - regulation regulation is a set of rules. different media is regulated by different bodies, such as the bbfc regulating films and pegi regulating games. regulating should be in public interest - protects audience from harmful and dangerous influences adults should be offered choice, regulators need to find a balance between protection and choice technological convergence and online media has made regulation incredibly hard. it is easy to bypass age restrictions. ofcom and tv regulators cannot regulate streaming services. regu

Theorist Notes

Theorist Notes Bandura - Media Effects Theorist summary: Believed that children would copy the behavior of the Bobo Doll experiment. He also believed that media could influence people's judgement and conduct witch hunts. Applied to LFTVD: This theory draws attention to the effect that the TV has on its audience. If an audience repeatedly watches aggressive behavior, they will reciprocate this. Applied to case studies: The representation of stereotypes, especially with Barb's 'nerdy' clothes and personality, may influence audiences to associate the traits of Barb's character with real-life norms. Lupin uses fight scenes stereotypically found in action thrillers that may influence audiences. According to Banduras theory, this may influence audiences to show more violent/aggressive behavior. Evaluation:  May apply to a wide range of media products, including LFTVDs. Draws attention to the need to investigate the direct effects on individuals who consume LFTVDs. Gerb


Print gobbledygook Question 3 "Explain how cultural contexts influence the ways audiences interact with print and/or online news." How does the UK consume news The audience demands it Online news allows for more interaction "What has happened in our culture in the last 30 years that may have influenced how we interact with print and online newspapers?" Thanks to recent digital advancements and convergence, we are now able to become prosumers instead of consumers, and can make content or share our options with others about certain print and online newspapers. An example of this is comment sections on online newspapers, in which people can write about their opinions on the newspapers itself, and share them with others that may or may not agree. People now have shorter attention spans due to advancement of technology, and as a result interact with print and online newspapers more, as they constantly want a stream of news. Faster internet means that people no longer nee

NEA - Music Video

NEA - Music Video After viewing several rock music videos I got a grasp of what shots I would need, appropriate costumes, and ideal scenes that would need to be included, in order to make it more realistic and customary to the rock genre. The song I have chosen for my music video NEA is 'Basket Case' by Green Day, a song which I have enjoyed listening to for a long time, aided more so by the fact that I love Green Day as a band itself. Basket Case The lyrics for this song are as follows. Do you have the time to listen to me whine About nothing and everything all at once? I am one of those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Or am I just stoned? I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down I went to a whore He said my life's a bore So quit my whining 'cause

Trial Exam Prep

Exam prep yarrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh Questions 1. Representation with a historical context focus 2. Question 4 - Audience theorist * (Asterisk) - Every aspect of course is being assessed (CRAIL). Context Social Social context includes gender roles, racial and ethnic inequalities, class. It includes the influence of social anxieties and/or contested social values. Lupin Gender is presented as stereotypical; the same stereotypes used are often challenged too. with Claire being shown to be a nurturing mother, yet being economically self sufficient and Hubert being shown to be the man in power. Juliet is shown as successful. Race is stereotyped, just the same as gender is; the stereotypes are challenged at times. Assane is a black man, yet is powerful and in control. He uses the prejudice from others to be 'invisible'. Diverse representation of class is shown. The Pellegrini's are rich, and in France's elite. Assane is shown to be an immigrant, and French-Senegalese. He challen


Rock yeehaw, i love americans 50s The origins of rock come from African American music (jazz, R&B, gospel) and white country music. The instruments used are piano, saxophone and guitar with a dance rhythm. The clothing is traditional rock and roll 1950s fashion. 60s Artists from the 60s consist of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who and The Kinks.  The Subgenre, British Invasion and Psychedelic Rock, came to be within this time period. It originated from Liverpool. The instruments used were Sitar, Keyboards and Organs. There was a lot of Indian and Eastern influence. The culture was Swinging Sixties, polka dots, peace signs. Key things such as Vietnam War, LSD and Woodstock were prominent along with tie-dye. 70s The instruments used in this time period were distorted electric guitars, heavier drums and simpler chord progressions. The clothing worn consisted of leather jackets, big spiky hair, bell bottom trousers, flamboyant colours and rebellion after peace and love.  Subgenr

Camera stuff

Camera stuff ISO - A number that represents how sensitive your camera sensor is to light. The higher the ISO number, the higher your camera's sensitivity, and the less light you need to take a picture. Change focus by twisting the front of the camera. You would use a slow shutter speed for a car, as it is moving faster, and is therefore more blurry. Aperture can add dimension to your photos by controlling depth of field. There are 10 rules of photography. You can create depth in a photo by including objects in the fore ground, middle ground and background. Composition is the arrangement of elements within a photograph. It is how the photograph is put together. You can add to the photograph using the rule of thirds which adds balance and interest to the photo.