

Example 1

The Sun has chosen to use this main image to present David Cameron as weak and therefore innocent to their audience, as they wish to portray the PM in the nicest way possible, due to their right-leaning stance.

The close-up of David Cameron shows the emotion on his face, which further portrays his weak and apologetic demeanor. It also shows that he is defeated and fragile

This is also shown in the sub headline, "Teary PM didn't want Brexit grief", which intends to show the audience of The Sun that he regrets any wrongdoing, and again, is innocent.

Example 2

The choice of image in this front cover could suggests that David Cameron cares more about his wife than the fate of the country. This could be seen to some as sweet, but to others as extremely negative, and disappointing

The choice of image also shows that David Cameron's wife is in a much better mood and is more confident than he is.

The headline of "Brexit earthquake" shows the severity of the situation of which David Cameron is responsible for, and shows to the audience of The Times that this is significant.


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